Intern Diaries: Max


Intern Diaries: Max

My name is Max, and as part of my degree in University I was required to find a work
placement during the Easter holidays and I was very fortunate enough to be given this
opportunity by WCS Agency after being put in contact with Chelsea through the
MetMarketers Society at University.

In terms of the work I had to do during my time here at WCS, initially I had looked into the
socials of companies that the agency handles and examining what their top-performing reels
were, identifying the factors that made them successful such as the reach, the engagement
rate amongst followers and other KPIs. This was a task that I quite enjoyed as it was similar
to the work I had completed for my digital analytics module in Uni so it was nice to start off
with something I had experience in which was fantastic.

Towards the end of my first week with WCS Agency I created my first piece of social media
content, I was a bit nervous as it was something I had never done before but Lowan had
walked me through the whole process and the tools I needed to use to complete the task.
This was a task I enjoyed as not only was it fun to actually create content that would
be showcased on those companies’ socials or even the Cardiff Life magazine, but it also
improved my confidence in this area just because of my lack of experience with content
creation and as a result I am now more confident in applying for a variety of job roles within
the marketing industry.

During my second week at WCS agency, I was able to create multiple pieces of content for
a manufacturing client based around the application of microcement and concrete wax both of which
were actually posted onto their socials just like the previous week. Seeing something that I
had created, posted for thousands to see was an incredible feeling and has actually
made me seriously consider going into social media marketing as my career after I leave

Interning for WCS Agency has been a fun and amazing experience and part of the enjoyment
during my time here can be attributed to the team, when I first arrived to the office the
whole team were welcoming and made me feel as if I was a part of the team which
definitely made my time here even better. They were also incredibly helpful and were on hand
to answer any questions and had no problem walking me through the tools and platforms
that were used in order to create the content that is seen on their clients socials.


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